Currently working on:
Helpfulbot - Just a general project that I try to use to practice coding in general. It keeps track of things I want to work on day by day and helps me practice other things such as keeping notes, practice learning other languages, and holds my other projects such as my chess engine and password generator
Bullet Hell Game - Currently working on a bullet hell shooter type game and learning the basics of coding games in python.
Inactive but mostly completed projects:
Price Checker - My first tool to try data scraping, used to pull the price of Newegg's Gigabyte 3070 price
Media Player - Simple media player that can play mp4 and most video formats, simple interface where you just give it a file and it will give you a scroll bar with a play and pause button
TicTacToe - Game of tictactoe made in Python, looking to add multiplayer in the future, currently only works locally
Password Generator - Generates a password based on how many characters you would like, will include numbers and special characters, also will give you a password made of words to be easier to remember
Chess Engine - A chess engine to play chess, currently only local, may try to give it online multiplayer in the future
FreeCodeCamp Projects - Currently completed the Data Analysis with Python Course. Can be found here. Working on another certificate with them next.
Inactive projects with little code:
Server Client Connection - Trying to learn how to code to learn to connect two clients, currently works but the only feature is that there are two boxes that each person can move
My Experience:
I have been coding and learning regularly since 2022, have learned some from a data science bootcamp with UW Madison but also most of these projects were worked on outside of class and tutorials online. I am most experienced with Python, I also have experience in HTML, CSS, SQL and Javascript.